发布日期:2025-01-04 11:46 点击次数:164
回答1: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 omg鏄痮h my god 鐨勭畝鍐欙紝鎰忔€濇槸锛氭垜鐨勫ぉ鍛愩€傝〃绀烘儕璁躲€?/p>1.oh my god缃戠粶鐭锛?/p>锛?锛?oh my god 澶╁晩,鏁戜笘涓?鎴戠殑涓婂笣锛?锛塐h Yeah My God 鍝?/p>2.渚嬪彞锛?/p>锛?锛塐h my God, I shot myself in the foot. 鍝︼紝鎴戠殑澶╋紝鎴戞惉璧风煶澶寸牳鑷繁鐨勮剼銆?/p>锛?锛塐h my God, this award is the kiss of death! 鍝︽垜鐨勫ぉ鍝紝杩欎釜濂栫湡鏄釜姝荤涔嬪惢锛?/p>锛?锛夆€淥h my God, 鈥?nbsp;he said, and turned, but there was nothing, just the empty room and the staircase leading up to the landing, and the big African moon in the window. 鈥滃摝锛屾垜鐨勪笂甯濆晩锛屸€濅粬杞韩鍥涢【锛屼粈涔堜篃娌℃湁鍙戠幇锛岀┖鑽¤崱鐨勬埧闂淬€侀€氬悜涓嬫柟骞冲彴鐨勬ゼ姊紝鏄庢湀閫氳繃绐楀瓙鏄犵収杩涙潵銆?浠栨妸鏋拰鎵嬬數鏀惧湪鑼跺嚑涓娿€?/p>